From when I realised I could make my own decisions, I started to find life to be very interesting.  You get what you are. If you live expecting something good or bad to happen to you, it always does.  Might be hard to understand this, but if you live your life expecting all to be doom and gloom, then you will never gain much success. If you expect everything to happen to you, even if they happen, they don’t lust. Things that come easy to you will always leave you as easy as they came. Opinions that people give you for the work you are doing as an obligation, will never benefit you.

97% of people, are driven by what others say to them. That if people don’t get a compliment from those around them in their journey to success, they suddenly feel demotivated to continue. They forget that, the reason they are trying to achieve their goals, is not because of what their Mother or Father, Brother or even Sister thinks or says.

The reason you started making a journey towards your goal is because you felt in your heart to do so. There was a drive that pushed you to making decisions.

So remember what that why is. Remember that which drives you. Stop been afraid to achieve your goals because someone is not complimenting the steps you are taking. Stop been jealous because someone else is been complimented. Stop been afraid of your family not complimenting you. You are not doing this for them to compliment you. You are doing it because you got passion.

Be the best at everything you do. Not because you are looking for compliments but because you got passion for it. Because you know that you have to. Make this month the best month yet and be the best you can be.



Hi there Great reader, I hope to find you well on yet another week on GrowWithLux. I really do hope that my weekly blogs do bless you in a way that changes your thinking, develops your mind  and motivates you to become the best version of you. I personally I’m on a journey too, because I do believe that the best of me is yet to be seen. A great man once told me that, “THE WEALTHIEST PLACE ON EARTH IS THE GRAVE YARD”. This is because most people die never reaching their highest potential. They die with ideas in their minds which they never started out because the ideas were just nothing but thoughts. Or that they didn’t have enough time because of procrastination. They didn’t realize that their thoughts (ideas) were worth much more than they thought.

We are all on a journey because the best of us has not been discovered yet. You don’t know what the best of you looks like. You are not dead, which means that every day you breathe, you have a chance to take the next step in your journey to greatness. You have thoughts of small ideas that you scared of laying out. Maybe you have a talent that can be used to turn an idea to benefit those around. Personally, I have learnt that, you don’t have to be great to get started, but you got to get started in order to be great.

I need you to know that no matter how big or small that idea is, you can always build it up. Create an environment for yourself where you know that for sure no matter the circumstance, you are going to make your idea useful. You will never know the outcome of the action until, if you at least attempt it. you will never know the outcome of implementing your ideas until you take that step.

So everyday think to yourself, WHAT WERE MY THOUGHTS TODAY. Was there any thought that is an idea that can change my life? If yes, how can I implement it? do this and soon you will find that ideas just flow into your mind, and soon you start taking more and bigger steps than before. Aim to be the  best you can be. Aspire to Inspire before you Expire and make this year the best year yet.


Lucky luxgrow-with-lux-logo-1-2
